14 April 2008

Milin Havivin, Volume 3 Online

The third volume of Milin Havivin is now online!
The articles included therein in the English section:
"Between Values and Theology: The Case of Salvation Through Children in Rabbinic Thought - Part I" - Rabbi Dov Weiss
"Prison Reform: A Torah Perspective on the American Crisis" - Shmuly Yanklowitz
"The Exodus as the Foundational Paradigm for Social Justice" - Ben Greenberg
""The Two Objectives of the Institution of Marriage: 'For She is Your Companion, and the Wife of Your Covenant' (Malakhi 2:14)" - Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Lau (This essay originally appeared in Granot Vol. 3, (pg. 138-148) published by Beit Morasha.)
"Postponement of the Mitzvah of Procreation: A Response to Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Lau" - Rabbi Yehuda Herzl Henkin (As printed in Granot 3 (2003), 149-152, and subsequently in Responsa Bnei Banim 4:#15.)
"Family Planning: The Postponement of Mitzvat Peru U-Revu" - Yitzchak Avi Roness (This article is adapted from a more expansive version in Hebrew, published in Or Ha-Mizrah, Vol. 50: 1-2, 2004 pp.109-123, and Vol. 50:3-4, 2005 pp. 135-151.)
"Mipnei Takanat Ha-Shavim: Outreach Considerations in Pesak Halakha" - Rabbi Barry Gelman
"Et La'asot La-Hashem: Emergency Halakha in the Rabbinic Tradition" - Zecharyah Tzvi Goldman
"Seeking Prophecy in Historical Narratives: Manasseh and Josiah in Kings and Chronicles" - Rabbi Hayyim Angel
"A Case of Unusual Hospitality: Samuel, Saul, and the Witch of Ein Dor" - Michelle Friedman, M.D.
"Rambam: Libertarian or Determinist?" - Rafi Farber
"Birkat Ha-Mapil: The Rabbinic Pre-Sleep Blessing" - Drew Kaplan
"Faith, History and Interpretation: Reform and Orthodox Responses to Modern Hermeneutics" - Alexander Kaye
"Pacifism, The Jewish Mission, and Religious Anti-Zionism: Rabbi Aaron Samuel Tamares in Context" - David Wolkenfeld

The articles in the Hebrew section:
"אישות ותלמוד תורה: ניווט המתח" ("Marriage and Torah: Navigating the Tension") - Rabbi Dov Linzer
"המחלוקת על הרבנות בפרנקפורט: מבט מבפנים" ("The Disagreement Concerning the Frankfort Rabbinate: A Look From Within") - Dr. Marc Shapiro
"ספירת העומר בבין השמשות" ("Counting Sefirat Ha-Omer at Twilight") - Rabbi Levi Cooper
"'כי אתא רב דימי': בין היסטוריה ועריכה" ("'When Rav Dimi Came': Discerning History from Revision") - Yoram Bitton

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10 April 2008

Upcoming Pre-Pesach Mishmar

Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School Presents
Pre-Pesach Mishmar
Tuesday 15 April 2008
7 pm - 11:30 pm
606 West 115th Street
6th Floor
New York City

7:00 - 8:30 pm "The Korban After the Churban: The Transformation of the Seder from Sacrifice to Sippur" - Rabbi Dov Linzer
9:00 - 10:00 pm "Definitions of Chametz" - Rabbi Nati Helfgot
10:30 - 11:30 pm "Pesach in Chassidic Thought" - Rabbi Ysoscher Katz

This event is free and open to the public

01 April 2008

Rabbi Yaakov Medan Speaks at YCT

Today, Rabbi Yaakov Medan spoke at YCT, speaking upon the topic of Passover eve falling on shabbat, referencing, in particular the story of Hillel, found on Pesahim 66a.

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